Frequently Asked Questions

What is KALI​ Energy Flow?

KALI, which stands for Kundalini Activation Light Integration, is a powerful energy-healing modality that activates the movement of life force energy within the body, assists us in transforming our lives, and connects us to our heart.

It is a deep and profound experience to enhance your physical and emotional self-awareness by tapping into your life force energy.

KALI energy flow ignites the kundalini awakening process. This is an integral part of many spiritual practices and is often considered the highest form of spiritual enlightenment. In this process, we tap into the immense source of energy within and unlock our full potential. This then brings about healing, transformation, and greater understanding.

It is a powerful and transformative experience that can leave us feeling more connected to ourselves, the universe, and our purpose.

Experience a level of oneness that will stay with you. Awaken to the treasure within you. Kundalini energy is present in all humans and is often referred to as the “life force” or “sacred fire.” It is the subtle force that connects us to the universe.

Through KALI, we explore our inner potential and initiate an unfolding of awareness that dissolves blockages, rebalances our chakras, and leads to higher states of consciousness and a deeper understanding of the personal and human experience.

Why KALI Energy Flow?

Have you attempted meditation, talk-based therapy, or mindset work but haven’t achieved the change you seek?

KALI energy flow may be the solution for you. It’s designed for those who want to delve deeper into self-exploration.

It goes beyond cognitive (mind-based) therapy and helps people heal on a deep somatic (body-based) level. Are you ready to dive deeper?

Everything in the universe is made up of energy and has a vibrational frequency.

Those vibrations interact with every cell in your body. In order words, the vibrations can actually interact with your body’s cells to create specific results: in this case, to encourage healing.

If everything is made up of energy, Is it time for you to try working with your energy to improve your well-being?

How does KALI Energy Flow work?

During a KALI session, a facilitator works with Kundalini Energy, Heart Radiance Energy, light, the power of sound, and vibratory resonance to guide you on a transformative inner journey.

The goal of KALI Energy Flow is to help you somatically release emotions that are no longer serving you, move beyond layers of fear and pain, and heal deep-rooted blocks.

Benefits of KALI Energy Flow

  • Unburden yourself of limiting beliefs and open your heart

  • Realign your subtle body and shift into deeper states of awareness and heightened perceptions

  • Strengthen your intuition and empower yourself

  • Receive clarity around your purpose or other areas of your life

  • Transform and evolve into the next version of yourself

  • Are you ready to embark on this inner journey and experience the powerful benefits of KALI?

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing.

Mikao Usui developed reiki in the early 1900s, deriving the term from the Japanese words rei, meaning “universal,” and ki, which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Now, reiki is used all over the world, including in hospitals and hospices, to complement other forms of health treatments.

What are the health benefits of reiki?

Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being. It can:

  • Bring on a meditative state.

  • Foster tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery.

  • Stimulate your body’s immune system.

  • Promote natural self-healing.

  • Relieve pain and tension.

  • Support the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and kidney dialysis.

Studies show that reiki treatment may create feelings of:

  • Peace.

  • Relaxation.

  • Security.

  • Wellness.

Can reiki replace traditional treatments?

No. Reiki treatment should not be used as a substitute for the consultation of a physician or a psychotherapist.

“Reiki complements other types of medical and therapeutic treatments, and it can increase the efficacy of other types of healing,” Bodner says.

If you’re already in good health, though, regular reiki treatments can enhance your ability to respond to stress and serve as a form of preventive medicine.

What conditions does reiki treat?

“Because it works on the entire self – mind, body and emotions – and because it is universal life force energy, reiki may be successful in all types of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing,” Bodner says.

Reiki isn’t specific to any particular type of disease or condition but may help people with:

Reiki can also help you prepare for surgery, which may help boost your recovery afterward.

How does reiki work?

Reiki practitioners act as a conduit between you and the source of the universal life force energy. The energy flows through the practitioner’s hands to you.

“The patient determines the energy flow from the practitioner’s hands by taking only what they need,” Bodner says. “This helps the patient know that we are supporting them only in what they need rather than what we think they need. This makes it the perfect balance to meet the patient’s needs.”

What happens during a reiki session?

Reiki treatments typically last about 50 minutes. During a session, you’ll lie on a massage table fully clothed, as your reiki practitioner gently places their hands, palms down, on or just above your body in specific energy locations. They use a series of 12 to 15 different hand positions.

“The length of time that the practitioner leaves their hands in each position is determined by the flow of energy through their hands at each location,” Bodner explains.

Reiki differs from other touch therapies in that there is no pressure, massage or manipulation involved.

What does reiki feel like?

“You may experience the energy in the form of sensations like heat, tingling or pulsing where the Reiki practitioner has placed their hands,” Bodner says. “Sometimes, people feel sensations moving throughout the body, while other people do not perceive any change at all.”

Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful during reiki treatment, and many fall asleep during the process. The technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

What Is Reiki, and Does it Really Work? (